
→ Adfellows 6.0

Adfellows is a paid fellowship program, which is designed to address the diversity and inclusion gap in advertising and marketing by providing meaningful job experience and career acceleration opportunities to the next generation of diverse talent.

To celebrate the completion of Adfellows 6.0 by hosting a graduation event at The Ridge on May 2, 2023. Invite the community of supporters i.e. mentors, managers, and members of the advertising and marketing industry to meet the next generation of marketers.

We have to create the keynote stage graphics package, it includes opening video, host title card, ambient animation and etc.

Role - Designer / Animator
Agency - Verizon

Round 1 Design Frames

Ambient Loop


We’ll use the theme of Next is Now as the connective tissue and inspiration for the event. From the present to the future, we’ll celebrate our adfellows, hear from program alums and discuss the impact that all of us will have on the future of the industry to come.

Speaker Title Card

Round 2 Design Frames

Round 3 Design Frames


Verizon - MCW Las Vegas 2023


Adidas Copa